New start for an old life

When I moved into Munich to study, little did I know that it would be so different. It was like someone had just left me in a new universe and I had no clue what to do! A whole new thing happened with me, something that I never dreamt of. I had to be so independent in my thinking. I had to make all the right choices and I had to fit in with a different crowd. People in my country were more open and warm but not here. The same people had turned different for some reason I cannot fathom. I had to do all my chores and make intelligent choices etc etc.. which was not my cup of tea.

Anyways, though depressing at first, I moved on. I can tell you that it was a pain in my a** and wadaa wadaa but who wants to listen to a sad story now?

Life has taught me a lot in these past few months. I will sure as hell won’t forget these lessons. Recently, I met girls who have been facing the same problems as me. And I feel like I am agony aunt types because the feeling is so mutual. The confusion and the pressure that we are put through, totally drains off our optimism. But, while facing the obstacles I had at some point made up my mind that I will have to take it all in..whether it is good or bad, for the better or for the worse, I had made up my mind not to quit. I got a lot of support from my family and a friend who has been my pillar of strength. I can never thank them enough. All I can tell is that life is a roller coaster, you either have to take the chance and get on it or else forever regret that you never took that initiative to be what you always wanted to be. All in all, I can tell that I am happier person and have a better life now than what I was expecting a few months back. It’s a big test you know, and by putting on a smile and a jump in your life you can win it!

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